Student Organizations

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Student Government (SG)

This is the umbrella organization of all students’ organizations in the institution. It gives opportunities to utilize and improve leadership potential among students and maintains close relationship among the school administration and students.

Fiat Lux

The official student publication of NTC conforms to its avowed mission that staff acquires skills in journalistic writings and practice journalism ethics for responsible campus paper in the name of democratic education. The school paper serves as a bridge between the students and administration. Hence, fair reporting is to be achieved to effect immediate resolution of the welfare of both the school and its students.

Bachelor of Education Student Teacher Organizatin (BESTO)

Composed of students specifically under the BSED program across all majors and year levels; the organization sustains plan of activities of the members.

College Y

This is the service arm of YMCA Manila. The organization is designed to meet the needs and interests of the students and at the same time offer opportunities for informal group education and experience in congenial settings. It seeks to provide opportunities for the members to grow spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially and to become proficient in Christian democratic leadership so as to serve God, their country, and their fellowmen in the best possible way.

Computer Society

This is an organization composed of students under BSIT. The club also serves as an efficient venue for students’ intellectual, social, and moral growth and to support their academic requirements with books and computer materials.

Educators’ Council

This is an organization composed of education students from all year levels and majors which aims to provide students with updated information, facts and recent innovation and trends with matters concerning the educational system, teachers, students, educational laws and other pertinent information.

Elementary Student Teachers Organization (ESTO)

Composed of students taking Bachelor of Elementary Education; it upholds the plans and undertakings of its members.

English Club

This is a club that encourages and promotes camaraderie, cooperation, open and active communication in and among the entire NTC community. It hones the English communication skills of its members thru activities.


The name of the club is the combination of Fro, from Froebel, father of kindergarten, and ECED, acronym of Early Childhood Education, the major of members under this club. This aims to develop and promote harmonious relationship between and among ECED students, faculty, and administration. It aims to develop knowledge and skills of its members thru activities provided by the club.

Gabay ng Wika (GAWI)

This is a club that aims to enhance the public relations of student members, the faculty and the school as a whole. It provides co-curricular activities which can develop the talents of the members in line with effective language communication. Spoken poetry, plays, and orations are some of the activities sponsored by the club.

Home Economics Club (HE Club)

This is a club where members are students majoring in Home Economics. It encourages all kinds of activities conducive to cultural and educational growth, such as community service, home improvement, cooking skills, arts and crafts through lectures and seminars among others.

Hotel and Restaurant Management Club (HRM Club)

The club is established to promote understanding among students, enrich their knowledge and interest to be of service to the students and to their Alma Mater, and provide a more effective means for the attainment of its objectives in line with the college’s goals as harmonious and cooperative organization. The members are students taking up Hospitality Management.

Junior Association of Office Administration (JAOA)

This is an organization composed of BSOA students which aims to improve the office administration skills of the members by providing them activities geared towards utilization of their maximum potentials. Further, it trains and updates members on the latest trends in the office work environment.

Junior Phil. Institute of Accountants – NTC Chapter (JPIA)

This is an organization established to develop its members to become responsible and well-rounded individuals in the field of accounting. JPIA is a special and highly esteemed organization for the students of BSA.


This is an organization that caters to the needs of Elementary Pupils. It provides series of activities which can holistically develop its members and at the same time enjoy their lives as healthy and well-rounded kids.

Kabataang Rizalista ( KR )

This is an interest organization that upholds and honors the ideals of our National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. It envisions to produce students who can be like Rizal… freedom-loving and nationalistic.

Library and Information Science Organization (LISO)

This organization provides meaningful educational experience that meets current and emerging library information technology needs which prepares members for productive roles in a variety and continuing evolving dynamic activities.

MAED Students Organization (MAEDSO)

Organization of students enrolled in the Master’s Program of the School of Advanced Studies. Activities and programs of the members are supported by the group.

Mathematics Club

The organization plans and implements projects/activities involving the members of the organization and the immediate community of the college and to cultivate the spirit of comradeship and understanding through social, spiritual, recreational, educational, and cultural activities. It hones further the mathematical skills of its members thru various activities.

NTC Association of Tourism Students (NATS)

The organization aims to develop the students’ leadership skills and abilities, to encourage and support the academic endeavors of the students and build harmonious relationship among NTC community. It develops further the skills of its members in areas related to Tourism.

NTC Doctoral Council

Organization of students enrolled in the Doctoral Program of the School of Advanced Studies. It aims to assist in their endeavor as doctoral students.

Off-Campus Student Teachers Organization (OCSTO)

This is composed of students taking off-campus training; the group supports the plans and activities of its members.

Physical Education Club (PE Club)

This organization aims to stimulate students’ interest in Physical Education. It develops the psycho-motor and spatial skills of its members thru various dance and physical activities.

Psychology Club

This organization extends assistance to students who are in need inline with any subject in Psychology and initiate/implement activities that will tap and develop the potentials of the members in the field of Psychology.

Red Cross Youth Council (RCYC)

This is a voluntary organization whose membership is open to all regardless of race, creed, or social status. It is founded primarily upon the principle of Red Cross humanitarian services which includes service to fellowmen. Blood-letting activities and disaster response readiness are common activities of the organization.

Samahan ng Ikatlong Sanlahi (SIS)

This is an organization upholding the rights of LGBTQ community which aims to develop dynamic and constructive student leadership among its members. It upholds equality among genders ensuring maximum service to the school, country, and God.

Special Education Association Development (SEAD)

This is a club that strengthens the camaraderie between and among SPED students, faculty, and administrators. Sign language training and the use of Braille system are some of the activities of the group.

Science Club

To serve as an instrument for the dissemination of scientific information to the NTC community and to help the college community to have a broader scientific understanding and appreciation of the environment. It stimulates the interest of students in research and scientific experiments.

Social Science Achievers Circle (SSAC)

It develops members’ interest in current issues and use the same to inculcate critical thinking skills of its members.

Society of Young Business Administrators (SYBA)

This is an organization of BSBA students that intends to develop the members’ physical, mental, social, and employable skills. SYBA aspires to gives its members the opportunity to utilize and enhance managerial and business administration related skills.